Reflection on CPD Showcase

The Career and Professional Development (CPD) showcase was a fresh initiative to building the students' confidence level and public speaking ability. Much like Mr Daniel Ang from Suntec Singapore, the presenter that stood out in memory was Faizal from Team Meh. Overall, the team presented in a clear and professional manner while retaining humorous elements, making it a delight to watch.

Every single team presented on topics that were relevant to the industry we are in. As all the students will be heading into the IWSP phase in the coming month, these sessions helped us better understand how we can help other people's situation or even manage our own thoughts and feelings. The presentation by Team Big Hero 4 was also etched in my mind because of their topic of bullying in the workplace.

Whether is it as a bully or as a victim, all of us definitely would have gone through either one of those phases, even if subconsciously. The presentation gave us insight on what actually constitutes bullying, even minute ones such as refusal to have a meal together due to various reasons. Having knowledge of said topic will help us, as potential bullies, to be more conscious of our actions and help us, as victims, to know how to go about confronting the bullies in a professional manner and resulting in a non-zero-sum game.

All in all, every team emitted an aura of confidence while they were presenting, even to a massive crowd of over a hundred people. Poised and composed, every team prepared and articulated their messages well and this really helped the audience in understanding what was communicated. These topics are motivational to the listening audience and can greatly help any individual that encounter similar problems in the hospitality industry.


  1. Hi Wei Keong,
    This is a really well written reflection. Personally although Team Big Hero 4 was not my choice of a captivating presentation, I must agree that their presentation was really well done nonetheless. Having seen many presentation about workplace bullying and others which are alike, I would have to say that I myself have learnt much from them about how to handle bullies in the workplace. All teams also did a fine job in handling themselves despite the massive crowd. All in all, a solid reflection.

    Zhong Jun


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